About Ronni Bennett

Ronni age 63 In the more than three years I have been blogging about getting old at Time Goes By, I've read hundreds of elderblogs. They are as different as the people who write them, but what they have in common is their marvelous stories.

We old people love to tell stories from our lives. We have lived long enough to have a lot of them and they get better and better with each re-telling until they are polished to a sparkling brilliance. Do we exaggerate sometimes? Certainly. Do we give the stories (and ourselves) better punchlines than what really happened? Of course. Because it's what we would have said or done if we had been as quick-witted then as we are now.

Sad, poignant, happy or funny, not infrequently our stories contain lessons we have learned and the wisdom we've gathered on our long journey through life and that should not be lost - which is what led to this blog.

I would like it to become a place where readers sit a spell and "listen" to other people's stories. And then tell their own. Who knows? Maybe in time we'll include audio and even video. Most bloggers have many readers who don't keep blogs and so this is a place for you non-bloggers too to spin your tales for others to read. Everyone's stories are welcome - except that you should be at least 50 years old.

There are a couple of rules and some guidelines for submissions. Those are always linked at the top of the left sidebar and I may as well link them here too:

What You Can Do Here
How To Do It
Submit a Story

Every day of blog reading, I am impressed with the quality of the writing. Elderbloggers in particular seem to strive for the just-right turn of phrase, for rhythm and elegance in telling stories. Or maybe they taught English better when we were in school. Or maybe we've just had decades of practice.

This blog is yours, an elder storytelling place for you to read and write and enjoy.

It occurs to me that I haven't lived up to the title of this page. If you really do want to know more about who I am, you will find it here.

Ronni Bennett
Portland, Maine
30 March 2007