Me My Elder Meme
Saturday, 27 January 2007
As I’ve announced on several occasions in the past, I don’t do blog memes. They seem to me to be a monumental waste of time (some have a hundred or more items!) without much of a payoff for the effort.
I mean, what does a list of my favorite books or movies or foods tell anyone about me that is worth knowing? Nothing, since any such list shifts by the day if not hour.
And as far as “100 things you don’t know about me,” there is a reason you don’t know: they are bor-ing. And anyway, this is a blog, not a confession.
It could be that Jill Fallon at The Business of Life doesn’t know that I have forsworn memes since I’ve not made a big deal of ignoring them. Whether or not, she has been kind in tagging me with a particularly short and easy one and although I suspect it will bore you, it’s a little something for a Saturday on which I don’t usually post. And for all I know you like these things.
This one is called My, Me, Meme, although I can’t figure why:
- My: What would I give my right arm for?
If, to follow Jill’s lead, I take this seriously, an arm seems little enough to give up to do away with hunger or create permanent peace in the world. Otherwise, I’d give up my right arm for there to be no more need for this blog. - Me. What's one word that describes how you want people to see you?
Thoughtful. - Meme: If you could be any blogger, which blogger would you be and why?
There is no other blogger I would rather be. I can’t think of anything that would engage me more that researching, thinking and writing about getting older.
Now, I’m supposed to pass this on to three people. If memory serves, these are three who don’t mind doing memes: Just Ask Judy, Tamarika at Mining Nuggets and joared at Along the Way. If I’m wrong, feel free to ignore the tag.
LOL, Ronni! Sometimes, memes are a great way to do a post when I can't think of something to write and as you know me and my style I usually go off on some tangent of my inner life past and present! So this one seems kind of cute and fun. Even though I have just completed a meme that Jean at This Too: tagged me with, I shall adore answering your "call." That way I am in excellent company all the way around! Happy Saturday!
Posted by: tamarika | Saturday, 27 January 2007 at 04:29 AM
You're a trouper for doing this. I know what you mean about memes, but when a loyal reader sends me one, I'm in a quandry. At least it's not politics.
Posted by: Jill | Saturday, 27 January 2007 at 04:40 AM
Ronni, as memes go - this is among the better ones - since it only has 3 questions.....LOL.
I can do that - and thanks - I think.
Posted by: kenju | Saturday, 27 January 2007 at 09:27 AM
# Me. What's one word that describes how you want people to see you?
I hope you realize how dangerous this response is. I've known people rejected for Alaska state employment because the individuals were "too thoughtful".
It seems to go along with "overqualified", no?
Posted by: vuee | Saturday, 27 January 2007 at 03:36 PM
I for one like certain memes, they make you stop and think. When I had to write 5 things that nobody knows about me,,it was fun, I remembered so many funny things that I had forgotten.
Introspection is good for the soul, and always good for a laugh.
Posted by: Matty | Saturday, 27 January 2007 at 04:35 PM
I for one like certain memes, they make you stop and think. When I had to write 5 things that nobody knows about me,,it was fun, I remembered so many funny things that I had forgotten.
Introspection is good for the soul, and always good for a laugh.
Posted by: Matty | Saturday, 27 January 2007 at 05:18 PM
Seeing Meme as the topic of this post, I merely skimmed it, then did a double take when I saw my name being taken in vain, so read it more thoroughly. Okay! I'll respond over at my place.
Posted by: joared | Sunday, 28 January 2007 at 12:13 AM
Okay, Ronni. Consider myself tagged:
Posted by: tamarika | Sunday, 28 January 2007 at 05:19 AM
Mine is up, Ronni.
Posted by: kenju | Sunday, 28 January 2007 at 01:59 PM